I couldn't think of anything creative for my title... can you tell?
Thanksgiving weekend was a blast!!! It started off on Tuesday the night of the dreaded blizzard!! I was super nervous because Dustin and my brother had been signed up to play in a dodgeball tourney down in Spanish Fork with all Dustin's friends for MONTHS (yes- dodgeball- like what you play in elementary school). I was afraid we'd be driving back in this awful blizzard... shows what I know! :)
The dodgeball tournament ended up being SO fun and CRAZY intense! I thought it was gonna be a bunch of 20-somethings trying to relive their glory days... which is was, with a few thirty and forty year olds mixed in.... but it was intense!!! I took pictures but my camera batter was dying so the two I took turned out funky- OH WELL!!
On Thanksgiving Dustin went down to Spanish in the morning to play football and go skeet shooting with all his cousins- so I headed up to my mom's to start crafting and getting dinner ready. We had a blast making a "Give Thanks Tree"- this is Erika modeling it:
It's a big tree cut out of paper and on each of the leaves we wrote things we were grateful for! My sister's in-laws did it last year and we decided it will definitely be a tradition in the Gilbert home! It was so fun to see the things people were grateful for and made us really focus on our blessings.
Then it was time for dinner... YUMMY!!! Thankfully Baby Davies was being very nice to me and let me eat and keep it down- so I was the happiest person in the world! My family is full of good cooks so our dinner was delish!!!
The Gilbert Fam- Aaron, Jen, Michael, Chelsy, Mya (who couldn't figure out why we were at the table and not eating), Landon, Me, Dustin, Erika Lynn, "Bop", and "Gamma Cinny Lu"
Then that afternoon we just took naps, watched football, hung out, crafted (I even made a wreath- I am SO proud...), and played games.
Later that evening Dustin and I headed down to his Grandma Huff's house in Spanish Fork- his whole family was getting together to eat pie so we went down to see everybody. It was a party as it always is when all the Huff's get together!
It was so great to be able to see and spend time with both families! Dustin and I talk all the time about how blessed we are that we both LOVE each others families! My in-laws are seriously so great! They are so supportive, so caring, and so great to be around! And of course I think my family is awesome! :)
Today when I plugged my camera in- I was surprised to see about 45 pictures of my niece, Mya reading books... The girl can sit there and read and read and read to herself! She is 14 months old and book keeps her busy for at least an hour! It's incredible! I just thought this picture was too cute not to share:
Homemade Sopapilla Recipe
10 hours ago