My baby boy turned 1 today! I can't believe it!!! I know my blog is completely ignored and, consequently, completely out of order... but I had to post on here for Porter's first birthday!
I wrote him a letter telling him what he is like at this age- but it was 3.5 pages long. So I decided to just put up the checklist of what he is like at this age instead :)
So here is a "snippet" of the "Random Facts about You" part of his letter that I figured I'd share...
-You have a broken leg. Daddy was putting you down a few weeks ago and you decided you didn’t want to get down, so you twisted out of his arm. You only fell about 6” but landed wrong and broke your leg in two places. Uncle Aaron is your doctor and he is taking good care of you! You had to have a cast to your hip for two weeks (we named it the Hulk because it was bright green), and now you have a half-leg cast that is bright Orange (in honor of Peyton Manning going to the Bronco’s).
-You love to play catch! It is your favorite game! And you play it with EVERYTHING! iPhone, iPod, Camera, football, basketball, remote, ANYTHING!
-Since you got your Full-Leg cast off, you crawl like you did with your full-leg cast, so sometimes your leg goes clear out in front of you because you are used to crawling with such a heavy cast.
-Before you broke your leg you were walking like a champ! You’d take 6 or 7 steps, smile, and then sit down :) It was like you knew you could do it, but just wanted to tease us! The second I would pull out my phone to record it, you would shake your head and as soon as we’d stand you up, you’d sit back down.
-You are our little teaser. I know I have my hands full. You LOVE to tease me! You will crawl into the kitchen, pat my leg until I look at you, then you BUST up laughing and take off crawling as fast as you can. You are playing the, “I’m gonna get you” game!
-When we play the “I’m gonna get you” game with you, you crawl SO fast and then you will stop, and curl up as tight as you can and start laughing before we even get to you!
-You like to play keep-away with your toys. If we are trying to get a toy you will throw it and crawl to it so fast, then when we get close you do it again! So funny!
-You love your Grandpa Davies so much! He’s your favorite! You will almost always choose him over anybody else, including me!
-You love to FaceTime with your Gram and Bop. They are on a Mission in Korea so they don’t get to be here to watch you grow up, so we make it easier on all of us and FaceTime with them almost daily. As soon as you hear the “FaceTime Ring” you get SO excited, crawl over to my phone, look right into the camera and say, “Bop Bop Bop!” the other day you said, “Gama” and I loved it! You love your Gram and Bop!
-We taught you how to do “Touchdown!” and so whenever you do something you are proud of yourself for, you throw your arms up, say, “Dutch Dowwwww” and then clap really hard for yourself :)
-You sign “all done” and “I Love You” but see no reason to waste the effort on any of the other signs I tried to teach you. Instead you say the words. You can now say, “More” (Mo Mo), “Mom”, “Dad”, “Bop”, “Grandma” (Gama), “No” (you are REALLY good at that one and sometimes get “no no” and “mo mo” confused), “Uh Oh”, and “hey”.
- Yogurt is your favorite food- you typically eat two Yoplait Yogurts for breakfast. You would eat them every meal if I would let you. You also love Cream Cheese Chicken rice, Sweet & Sour Chicken, Green Beans (the real kind- not baby food), and goldfish.
-You have figured out in the last few weeks how to feed yourself with a spoon. It is messy, but I keep letting you do it, and I am amazed how quickly you are learning.
-You love to watch basketball games with Daddy. March Madness has been heaven for you!
-You REFUSE to watch TV. The only TV you will watch is basketball if Daddy has you on his lap. Otherwise? Forget it!
-Every Tuesday you get to go to Grandma Mindy’s, and every Thursday you get to go to Aunt Chelsy’s house so that mommy can go to work. I hate having to leave you, but every time I come home you are completely worn out from playing so hard, but are laughing and smiling. I know you love spending time with Grandma, and then with Aunt Chelsy, Mya, and Benson.
-Your favorite toys are of course your football, basketball, golf balls, and your golf clubs. Your clubs often turn into weapons so I have to take them away quite often- which you DO NOT approve of at all.
-You are the happiest, most loving kid I have ever been around. You truly command so much attention because you love everybody around you! This is my favorite thing about you! It doesn’t matter who you see, you will always smile, wave, and even flirt with them... Especially if they are strangers in the grocery store. Whenever we go to family functions with all of your Huff cousins I can always count on hearing, “Yay! Porter’s here!” as soon as we walk in the door. Everybody loves you, because you love them!
Friday, March 30, 2012
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